
Four Types of People

Abu Kabshah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “ Verily, the world is only has four kinds of people. There is one whom Allah has granted wealth and knowledge, so he fears his Lord in them, upholds family ties, and fulfills the rights of Allah over him. He is be in the best position. There is one whom Allah has granted knowledge without wealth. He has a sincere intention, and he says: If I had wealth, I would have acted like this person. If that is his intention, he will have the same reward as the other. There is one whom Allah has granted wealth without knowledge. He squanders his wealth in ignorance, he does not fear Allah in it, he does not fulfill his duties to his family, and he does not fulfill the rights of Allah over him. He will be in the worst position. There is one whom Allah has granted neither wealth nor knowledge, and he says: If I had wealth, I would have acted like this person. If that is his intention, he will have the same sin as

Prophetic Gatherings

The Companions used to listen to the Prophet (SWAS) with rapt attention. They used to sit still leaning in to absorb all that the Prophet (SWAS) said as if birds were perched on their heads. They did not interject while the Prophet (SWAS) spoke but waited till he was done to seek permission to speak. Thus, they saved all the questions and comments till their turn. Similarly, they did not disturb others who were speaking to the Prophet (SWAS) but waited for their turn. The Prophet (SWAS) created an egalitarian culture around him in which the Companions were equal with respect to their turns no matter what their age, status, gender, and family.  What was amusing to them was amusing to the Prophet (SWAS). What was fascinating to them was fascinating to the Prophet (SWAS).  He did not create an artificial air of authority in a strict suffocating environment. In fact, when outsiders saw them, they could not recognize who among them was Muhammad (SWAS).

Divine Favors

Busy with work... Busy with studies... Busy with family... We keep moving like clockwork from one task to the next, never pausing to sit down and reflect on higher issues that really matter. Just why am I doing what I am doing? What meaning will it give me in my life? How will that cause me to develop holistically? Try to stop and think about the significance of so many phenomena that are transpiring around you. It is a large jigsaw puzzle that we need to put together around our striving to understand our struggle in the proper context on the bigger canvas, Without attempting to do so, it is easy to stress out, living lives lacking meaning and wisdom.  If we realize that we worship Ar-Rahman -- the Most Merciful -- we will understand that whatever situation He puts us in, it is best for us. Regardless, if we lose that job, lose our spouse, or suffer financial loss, it is meant to be the best for us. Alhamdulillah ala kulli haal . There are no whys in life, there is only accepting an

Our Planet's Homeostasis

If we reflect on creation, the degree of balance we find is amazing. Consider the orbits of the sun, moon, and planets. Even a slight change of their trajectory might be disastrous. Consider the water cycle. If it is disturbed in any way, it can cause droughts and flooding in vast geographic areas. Consider how the natural mechanism of homeostasis brings the body back to its natural balance. Without this essential balance, we can become very sick.   Indeed Allah has created this world in balance disturbing which causes severe consequences. He has given us special status in the creation as His khalifa, to manage it properly. Nevertheless, we are not the only creatures on this earth. We share it with so many others to whom we must act responsibly. We cannot disturb the natural balance out of selfish greed. When we disturb the balance we cause oppression which is not liked by Allah. To ensure that this does not happen, we need to establish the natural Law of Allah that takes care of the r

Got the Dunya. What About the Deen?

In Surah An Najm, Allah says So turn away from whoever turns his back on Our message and desires not except the worldly life. That is their sum of knowledge. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who strays from His way, and He is most knowing of who is guided. It is often worldly knowledge and achievements that give us honor, status, and prestige in the community. We become people of influence who make decisions. We are sought after for advice and financial support. This situation might be a trap if we are not careful. We may become complacent about our shortcomings and deficiencies. When we "make it" in the world, it does not mean that we know everything there is to know. It does not give us a license to become an authority in every subject. This is especially true for the deen. People who have expertise in the dunya, as well as the deen, are exceedingly rare. There are many fields of study in which they ask us to leave the deen at the lecture room door. It is advisable to n

The Seeker's Focus

  Surah An Najm describes the Prophet's manners when he approached the limits of the holy perimeter in the 7th heaven during the Meraaj. He exerted utmost focus, attention and adab to learn whatever her was being shown of the wonders of the heavens.  The ˹Prophet’s˺ sight never wandered, nor did it overreach. His sight was not distracted by attractions around him, nor did it exceed the object of focus that he was made to see. When he learned from Gibraeel (AS) he did so sitting right in front of him, neither to the right of him, nor to the left. He took the Quran directly and with full attention form him so that there were no mistakes or forgetfulness in his acquisition of its knowledge. Focus is an essential element of learning that is so elusive in our lives. In an age of distraction filled with media, smartphones, gadgets, appointments, intrusions and responsibilities, it is very difficult to focus. Yet focus is an essential ingredient of learning. We need to simplify our lives

The Eloquence of Surah An-Najm

Surah An-Najm is a powerful late-Makki surah, which the Prophet (SWAS) recited publicly to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It confirms the Prophet (SWAS) as a Messenger of Allah, his travel during the Meraaj as well as the false worship of the Makkans. The surah is characterized by its eloquent verses which shock and awe the audience.  It builds up to a crescendo and end in a climax - a prostration to Allah - which was the first one that was revealed in the Quran. When the Prophet (SWAS) concluded the surah, all the audience - Muslim and non-Muslim - prostrated at the sajdah tilawah (except one man) due to the power of words of Surah An-Najam on them.